The Legends were inspiring today, but all to no avail.
In Ash Akehursts 150th game for his beloved raiders we came up against a more polished probable better organised opposition.
Real good bunch of guys, nice and willing, rugby Ross delivered a “ F OFF” shirtfront that wouldn’t be allowed in AFL these days.
We didn’t seem to have the run of the green just as in previous games, but they say you make your own luck ,don’t they.
Great to see all of the immortals doing their job as I ask them to. Also great to see the warrior Col fewster back and thank all the various Gods for Morgs and Toddy.
Nice to have Robbie back with his silky smooth skills and how about Micky Lacks first game in a couple of decades!
The coach was happy with the effort, let’s hope Rowdy’s ribs let him sleep.
Thanks to Parksy for the running ,Byron and Kev for the water Bazza and Diesel for their help and of course Sarah and Paula their kind soft hands.
Best players would have to be Rugby, Razor, rosco Normy,Terry,Rowdy etc etc
Congratulations to Ash for his distinguished service to the Raiders.
Congratulations to the Supers and Masters all power too you boys.
Love Dynesy
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